
Jersey Color White

Contact Name Mark Mekalopolos

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Hall of Fame

Fall 2014 Season

September 1, 2014 - November 22, 2014

No. Name GP Sacks Ints Pts
- Beaudoin, Philippe 5 0 0 0
- Cobb, Mike 8 0 0 0
- Forest, Ben 11 1 2 22
- Gagne, Bryan 10 0 4 6
- Gignac, Mathieu 10 18 1 8
- Gladu, Steve 12 0 0 0
- Kealey, Sean 9 0 0 1
- Major, Pat 11 0 6 18
- Mcdonald, Paul 11 1 4 6
- Mekalopolos, Mark Phone 12 0 0 15
- Smith, Jay 4 0 0 6
- Wakefield, Mackenzie 8 0 2 6

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